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统计和报表功能, 可以对任意时间段, 资料传输情况、传输时效以及系统运行情况(: 进程运行情况, 电路和网络的通断情况等)进行统计, 统计结果可以屏幕显示, 可以保存成文本文件, 可以打印输出。另外, 可以按照业务要求生成各类报表, 包括: WMO 年度监测报表, 南极时效统计报表、各类实时统计报表等。 北京日语口译

The statistical and reporting functions can generate statistics for data transmission status, aging of data transmission and the operation conditions of the system (such as process operation, “on” and “off” of the circuits and networks, etc) during any period of time. The statistical results can either be displayed on the screen or be saved as text files, or be printed out. In addition, the statistical and reporting functions can generate various statements and report forms, including: WMO annual monitoring report, statistical report of south-pole aging, and other real-time statistical reports etc.

业务监控系统应为图形化界面, 主要监控界面(例如: 电路和网络连通情况、资料的传输和交换情况等)能够实时动态刷新, 并且可通过鼠标进行操作, 各个监视和操作维护界面要方便、易用。

The business monitoring system should be of graphical interface. The main monitoring interface (such as the connection of the electric circuits and the networks, and data transmission and switching, etc) is capable of real-time dynamic refresh and can be operated by using the mouse. The monitoring, operation and maintenance interfaces should be convenient and easy to use.

Automatic Message Switching System (AMSS)的应用软件系统由数据收发系统、报文处理系统和业务监控系统组成。其中, 支持各类电路、协议的数据接收系统通过 GTS 电路和 Internet收集数据后, 由报文处理系统处理, 存储, 和向国家气象中心其它业务系统(: 国内通信系统, 实时数据库系统等)的分发; 同时, 报文处理系统按照业务要求, Automatic Message Switching System (AMSS)收集到的国内、外各类资料, 提供给数据分发系统, 由数据发送软件完成资料向各条 GTS 电路和 Internet 的发送。Automatic Message Switching System (AMSS)的数据输入/输出、处理过程, 系统运行状态等都可以通过业务监控系统进行监视和控制。北京英语口译

The application software system of Automatic Message Switching System (AMSS) is made up of Data Receiving and Transmission System, Message Handling System and Business Monitoring System. The data collected by the Data Receiving System which supports various kinds of circuits and protocols and collects data through GTS circuit and the Internet will be handled, stored and distributed to other business systems of the National Meteorological Center (such as: Domestic Communication System and Real-time Database System etc) by the Message Handling System. Meanwhile, according to business requirements, the Message Handling System can provide the data collected by the Automatic Message Switching System (AMSS) from both China and overseas to the Data Distribution System; then the Data Transmission Software can transmit the data to various GTS circuits and the Internet. The Business Monitoring System can monitor and control the data input / output, data handling and system operation conditions of the Automatic Message Switching System (AMSS).

中国 北京 上海 广州 深圳 杭州 南京 长沙 武汉 重庆 成都

上海翻译公司电话: +86 133911061881 北京翻译公司电话: +86 13683016996    成都翻译公司电话:+86 13564516881              

重庆翻译公司电话:+86 13760168871       广州翻译公司电话: +86 13391106188    深圳翻译公司电话:+86 13760168871