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 北京翻译 上海翻译 广州翻译 深圳翻译 杭州翻译 长沙翻译 武汉翻译 重庆翻译 成都翻译 南京翻译

经营付款或者报账: 单项开支或者项目金额30万元以上的深圳翻译公司, 需有合同为据并且须经过董事长和总经理共同签字许可, 方可对外付款或者报账; 单项开支或者项目金额30万元以下的, 需要有合同且由董事长或总经理单方签字许可, 便可对外付款或者报账; 但是双方不得将单项开支或者项目故意分拆签字, 以规避共同经管。一方违反本规定, 另一方不予确认的或者给公司造成损失的, 由违反方承担该笔开支或者费用, 从年终分红中扣除或者由违反方自行出资承担损失。

Payment or reimbursement for the purpose of operation: When a single expenditure or the project amount exceeds RMB 0.3 million, the payment or reimbursement shall not be allowed unless approved through joint signature of the chairperson and general manager on the basis of the corresponding contract concluded; when a single expenditure or the project amount is less than RMB 0.3 million, the payment or reimbursement shall not be allowed unless approved through the signature of the chairperson or the general manager on the basis of the corresponding contract concluded. However, both parties shall not deliberately split a single expenditure or project for signature, in order to evade joint operation. If the other party refuses to confirm a payment or reimbursement or any loss is caused to the Company due to one party’s violation of this stipulation, the violating party shall assume the expenditure or the loss by itself in the form of year-end bonus deduction or direct payment.

固定资产: 价值金额2万元以上的, 需有合同且经董事长和总经理共同签字许可专业翻译, 方可开支和报账。价值金额2万元以下的, 需有合同且经董事长或总经理签字许可, 便可开支和报账。但是双方不得将单项开支或者项目故意分拆签字, 以规避共同经管。一方违反本规定, 另一方不予确认的或者给公司造成损失的, 由违反方承担该笔开支或者费用, 从年终分红中扣除或者由违反方自行出资承担损失。

Fixed assets: When the value exceeds RMB 20,000, the payment or reimbursement shall not be allowed unless approved through joint signature of the chairperson and general manager on the basis of the corresponding contract concluded; when the value is less than RMB 20,000, the payment or reimbursement shall not be allowed unless approved through the signature of the chairperson or the general manager on the basis of the corresponding contract concluded. However, both parties shall not deliberately split a single expenditure or project for signature, in order to evade joint operation. If the other party refuses to confirm a payment or reimbursement or any loss is caused to the Company due to one party’s violation of this stipulation, the violating party shall assume the expenditure or the loss by itself in the form of year-end bonus deduction or direct payment.

中国 北京 上海 广州 深圳 杭州 南京 长沙 武汉 重庆 成都

上海翻译公司电话: +86 133911061881 北京翻译公司电话: +86 13683016996    成都翻译公司电话:+86 13564516881              

重庆翻译公司电话:+86 13760168871       广州翻译公司电话: +86 13391106188    深圳翻译公司电话:+86 13760168871