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贵方的中方管理人员的确曾请我去看WIC演示深圳翻译公司, 我也曾明确恢复: “我关心的是搭建游戏平台, 而不是具体上什么游戏。只要内容合法并能够满足用户需要, 具体游戏内容贵方可以自己斟酌决定, 我们行使的仅是审核监督权和协助开展市场推广而已”。 如果因为我们没有去看WIC的演示, 就成为该游戏没有正式上线提供服务的理由, 我个人认为理由明显不妥。试问: 1、 贵方提供的WIC等游戏版权等合法性问题是否已经解决? 2、 各游戏运营所依托的游戏平台何在? 3、 相关收费标准和营销策略是什么? 4、针对上述问题, 贵方何人何时曾给与我方明确回复? 在尚未解决上述问题之前, 我们即便观看WIC演示10000遍又有何用?

The Chinese management personnel of your side once invited us to see the WIC show. I replied clearly that “what I care is to build the game platform, not specific games. Once the content is legitimate and meets demand of users, specific game content is up to you. What we exercise is the exam & check and supervision rights and assistance with the market promotion”. If our failure to see the WIC show composes the reason for the absence of official online game services, I personally do not think the reason is justice enough. May I ask: 1. Are the legitimate problems including game copyright like WIC provided by your party solved?  2. What is the game platform for game operation? 3. What are the relevant charging standards and marketing strategies? 4. When and who has given clear replies about questions above? If these questions above are left unsolved, what is the point even if we have watched WIC show for 10,000 times?

就我个人理解: 要想建立一个好的市场上海日语翻译,首先要有一个好理念, 其次必须要有一支好的团队和相应的产品服务。毫无疑问, 贵方高层具有好的理念, 但是贵方实现相关理念所必须的一支好的经营团队何在?  贵方的中层管理人员是否懂得相关产品市场?  是否了解相关的技术实现和工作流程? 如果真懂, 为什么会拿具体实施人员写的明显是搪塞的理由来应付高层?  为什么至今仍没有搭建起相关的运营平台?  为什么至今仍拿不出具体的市场运营和推广方案? 如果不懂, 其责任何在? 贵方又是怎么聘用和管理的? !  贵方对自身利益的负责态度何在?  如果你们的执行团队无法正确理解贵方高层的市场意图, 何来有效的执行能力。那么,出现目前的结果也就不难理解了。


Based on my understanding, a good philosophy is foremost and then a good team and corresponding product services are needed to build a good market. Undoubtedly the management personnel of your company have pretty good concepts, but where are your good operation teams required to realize relevant concepts? Do your medium management personnel know relevant product market or not? Do they know relevant technical realization and work flows? If they do know, why do they just provide excuses obviously written by specific implementation personnel to deal with the senior management personnel? If they do not know, what is their responsibility? How do you hire employees and manage the company?! What is your responsible manner for your benefits? If your executing team is not able to understand the market intention of your senior management personnel, where do you see the effective executive capability? If so, it’s not hard for us to see results at present.

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