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 北京翻译 上海翻译 广州翻译 深圳翻译 杭州翻译 长沙翻译 武汉翻译 重庆翻译 成都翻译 南京翻译
第一天: 任务是在临海的地方建造一个小住宅上海英语翻译。基地三面环海, 是两个海湾的交界, 景色很具有澳洲特色。我们天一亮就去感受基地特色, 包括气候、地质、海拔和景色。虽然基地很大, 但是由于树木丛生, 可建设的选择就很少。只有在大陆的最远端, 和中间的两处比较平坦的地方适宜作为基地。我们也画了很多素描来感受它的魅力。这将是灵感的来源。
The first day: the mission is to build a small house near the sea. The three sides of the base are surrounded by sea. It is the junction of two gulf. The scenery is of Australian feature. At daybreak we went to experience the features of the base, including climate, geology, altitude, and scenery. Although the base is large, for the thickly growing of trees, the choice for construction is very limited. Only in the most remote continent, and two relatively flat areas in the middle are suitable for the base. We also drew a lot of sketches to experience its charm. This will be the source of inspiration.
第三天: 顺着倾斜屋面这个思路, 我们开展了进一步设计, 做了很多草图和模型。我们又一次去基地, 测量了许多数据, 绘制了现存建筑的平面图, 如下。现存的防火墙和台阶我们都希望能加以利用。我们发现了基地里有许多的挡土墙, 它防止山火袭击, 也是让松散的泥土变牢固, 给建造房屋打下基础。这给了我们很大的灵感, 设计的住宅里如果有这样一面厚实的墙, 会解决地基, 冷风山火等很多问题, 那么这面墙应该放在哪?
The third day: continuing this idea of tilted roof, we carried out further design, doing a lot of sketches and models. Once again, we went to bases, measuring plenty of data and mapping the plans of existing building as follows. We want to use existing fire walls and steps. We found that there are a lot of retaining walls in the base, which can prevent the attack from wildfire, and can make the loose soil become solid to lay foundation for the construction of houses. This gave us a great deal of inspiration, if there is such a thick wall inside the designed house, this will resolve many other problems like foundation, cold wind, and wildfire. Then where should this wall be placed?
第五天: 我们的设计得到了建筑师们的一致好评上海翻译公司。在短短时间内, 我们为业主创造了丰富的生活模式, 通过可变的围护结构, 可增加空间的活动面板和可转变通风路线的开窗, 让居住者可以在林木包围中沐浴, 面对星空小憩, 随时随地和自然美景对话。最兴奋的是获得大奖的建筑师握手祝贺我顺利完成了设计任务, 而我想, 应该祝贺的是我收获了更深的思考。
The fifth day: our design won the unanimous acclaim from the architects. In short time, we have created a resourceful living models for the owners. Through changeable exterior-protected construction, the dweller can live surrounding by trees through increasing the free access floor of the space or changing the opening of window of ventilation line, the occupants can sleep facing stars and exchange with natural beauty at any time. The most exciting thing is that I shook hands with award-winning architect as the congratulation for the successful completion of the design task. I think what I should be congratulated was that I harvested deeper thinking.
中国 北京 上海 广州 深圳 杭州 南京 长沙 武汉 重庆 成都

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