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 北京翻译 上海翻译 广州翻译 深圳翻译 杭州翻译 长沙翻译 武汉翻译 重庆翻译 成都翻译 南京翻译

研究目的: 更好防范和控制地铁浅埋暗挖施工风险北京翻译公司

Study purpose: to prevent and control the risks during metro shallow and mining construction more effectively
研究方法: 分析地铁浅埋暗挖施工常遇的风险工程、风险因素及风险事件, 以施工方的角度探讨施工准备期和施工期的安全风险管理, 就浅埋暗挖风险管理提出建议。

Study method: Analyzing common risk engineering, risk factors, and risk events during metro shallow and mining construction, studying the security and risks management during construction preparation period and construction period from the construction party’s angle, and making suggestions for risks management of shallow and mining 
研究结果: 浅埋暗挖风险大、管理体系复杂, 施工阶段安全风险分析非常必要, 系统的风险技术管理非常重要。

Study results: The shallow and mining have great risks and complicated management systems. It is necessary to carry out the security and risks analysis of the construction stage, and so is the risks technical management of the system.
研究结论: 施工单位只要保持强烈风险意识, 针对性地作好风险分析, 施工准备期积极进行风险管理, 施工期及时作好监测与巡视工作, 汇报到风险管理中心, 可有效防控地铁浅埋暗挖施工风险。

Study conclusion: The risks of metro shallow and mining construction can be avoided effectively as long as the construction unit keeps strong concepts of risks, carries out the risks analysis carefully contrapuntally, executes risks management positively during construction preparation period, and implements monitoring and supervision during construction period.

研究目的: 更好防范和控制地铁浅埋暗挖施工风险上海翻译公司。 Study purpose: to prevent and control the risks during metro shallow and mining construction more effectively   
研究方法: 分析地铁浅埋暗挖施工常遇的风险工程、风险因素及风险事件, 以施工方的角度探讨施工准备期和施工期的安全风险管理, 就浅埋暗挖风险管理提出建议。

Study method: Analyzing common risk engineering, risk factors, and risk events during metro shallow and mining construction, studying the security and risks management during construction preparation period and construction period from the construction party’s angle, and making suggestions for risks management of shallow and mining   
研究结果: 浅埋暗挖风险大、管理体系复杂, 施工阶段安全风险分析非常必要, 系统的风险技术管理非常重要。

Study results: The shallow and mining have great risks and complicated management systems. It is necessary to carry out the security and risks analysis of the construction stage, and so is the risks technical management of the system.  
研究结论: 施工单位只要保持强烈风险意识上海翻译公司, 针对性地作好风险分析, 施工准备期积极进行风险管理, 施工期及时作好监测与巡视工作, 汇报到风险管理中心, 可有效防控地铁浅埋暗挖施工风险。

 Study conclusion: The risks of metro shallow and mining construction can be avoided effectively as long as the construction unit keeps strong concepts of risks, carries out the risks analysis carefully contrapuntally, executes risks management positively during construction preparation period, and implements monitoring and supervision during construction period.

中国 北京 上海 广州 深圳 杭州 南京 长沙 武汉 重庆 成都

上海翻译公司电话: +86 133911061881 北京翻译公司电话: +86 13683016996    成都翻译公司电话:+86 13564516881              

重庆翻译公司电话:+86 13760168871       广州翻译公司电话: +86 13391106188    深圳翻译公司电话:+86 13760168871