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  近年来, 国外对我国出口产品的反倾销比较频繁日语翻译, 这虽然有我们自身的原因, 但我们认为, 其最主要的原因来自国外的贸易保护主义。国外对我国产品频繁地发动反倾销, 将直接影响我国出口规模的扩大和对外贸易的发展, 减少我国企业在国际市场的生存空间和立足之地。

·         In recent years, the anti-dumping by foreign countries towards products exported from China is quite frequent. We think that major reason is the protectionism from foreign countries though we have problem ourselves. The frequent anti-dumping from foreign countries to our products will directly affect the scale of exported commodities and the development of our foreign business, and decrease the existing and living room and space of China enterprises.

    首先, 凡遭到国外反倾销的产品, 最直接的损失是对投诉国的出口急剧下降, 甚至丢掉该国市常反倾销尽管从理论上讲不是一种惩罚, 而是一种损害补偿, 但实际效果却是一种制裁。因为反倾销的效果并不完全取决于其征税的多少, 即补偿结果如何, 更重要的是其社会影响力。倾销一向被认为是洪水猛兽, 为各国所深恶痛绝。所以, 凡遭到反倾销的产品将不受欢迎, 进口商也就望而却步。当然, 被征收反倾销税越高的产品, 其市场丢失得就越大。

Firstly, for the anti-dumping products, the direct loss is the dramatic dropping of exports to the countries that claim and even the loss of that market. Often, the anti-dumping is not a punishment but damage compensation. However, its practical effect is a kind of sanction. It is because anti-dumping effect does not depend on the quantity of the tax undercharged, that is the result of the compensation, what is more important is its social influence. Dumping is considered as a monster which is extremely unfavorable by many countries. Therefore, the anti-dumping products will be unpopular, and will discourage the importers. Of course, the higher levy on the anti-dumping products, the greater loss of the market rival space and foothold of Chinese enterprises in international market.

其次翻译公司 , 凡遭到反倾销的产品, 都容易引起各国的连锁反倾销, 有面临着丧失全部海外市场的危险。例如, 1991年欧共体对我国自行车发动了反倾销后, 1992, 加拿大在毫无道理的情况下也对我国自行车发动了反倾销。接着, 1993年墨西哥、1994年阿根廷等国也对我国自行车相继发动了反倾销, 最终又导致美国对我国自行车发动了大规模的反倾销。1995, 美国商务部对我国输美自行车进行了全面的反倾销调查, 包括各种型号的自行车, 受到调查的我国自行车企业多达200多家。对一类产品全部提出反倾销调查的事情, 在美国的反倾销史上也是罕见的。因此, 出口商品在一国遭到反倾销后, 即使对其他国家不存在倾销或没有产生危害, 也容易引起其他国家的反感, 有可能因此相继丧失多国市场乃至全部海外市常

Secondly, for the anti-dumping products, it is most likely to lead a chain of anti-dumping throughout the world, and the enterprises even face the risks of losing the whole oversea market. For example, in 1991 when the European Community launched anti- dumping against Chinese bicycles. Then in 1992, Canada launched anti-dumping against Chinese bicycles in unjustifiable circumstances. In 1993 Mexico, in 1994 Argentina and some other countries continuously launched anti-dumping against China-made bicycles, and ultimately led to the large-scale anti-dumping of the United States. In 1995, Ministry of Commerce of the United States conducted a comprehensive bicycle US anti-dumping investigations, including various models of bicycles, and more than 200 bicycle enterprises were under investigation. The case of overall investigating on a certain product is rather rare in anti-dumping history in the United States. Therefore, after the anti-dumping was launched against the exported products in one country, other countries will feel unpleasant though no harm or dumping exists in these countries and it may lead to the loss of the market share in many countries or the whole oversea market.

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