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本报讯  为了借助上海世博会的影响力向海内外宣传和展示独特的水族文化和三都县优美的自然风光, 由贵州省三都水族自治县委、县人民政府主办、贵州省三都水族自治县九阡酒有限公司承办, 上海世博会国际信息发展网管协办、贵州省世博会办公室作为支持单位的“神秘水族  魅力三都  中国水族文化旅游节启动仪式暨水族九阡酒上海世博会国际信息发展网管唯一指定黄酒”新闻发布会于32日在上海大剧院隆重举行, 原中共中央组织部常务副部长赵宗鼐题词祝贺, 联合国国际信息发展组织总干事长丹尼尔·巴瑞奥、著名作家邓友梅、白桦、周明, 中共黔南州委副书记、州长李月成、三都县委书记唐官莹、县长张加春等有关领导和海内外50多家新闻媒体记者出席了启动仪式。上海翻译公司

(XX News) In order to give publicity to and demonstrate the unique culture of Shui People and the beautiful natural landscape of Sandu County to the world by utilizing the influence of Expo 2010 Shanghai China, hosted by the county Party committee and People's Government of Sandu Shui People Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, undertaken by Jiuqian Rice Wine Co., Ltd. of Sandu Shui People Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, assisted by the Pavilion of International Development Information Network Association in Expo 2010 Shanghai China and supported by the Office for Expo 2010 Shanghai China of Guizhou Province, the Launching Ceremony of China Shui People Culture and Tourism Festival and the News Release Conference of Shui People Jiuqian Rice Wine Becoming the Only Appointed Rice Wine for the Pavilion of International Development Information Network Association in Expo 2010 Shanghai China with the theme of “Mysterious Shui People and Glamorous Sandu County” were solemnly held at Shanghai Grand Theatre in March 2nd. Mr. Zhao Zongnai, who was formerly the administrative vice minister of Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, wrote an inscription to congratulate the affairs. Relevant cadres and friends, such as Mr. Daniel Barrios, who is secretary-general of International Development Information Network Association of the United Nations, Mr. Deng Youmei, Mr. Bai Hua and Mr. Zhou Ming, who are all famous writers, Mr. Li Yuecheng, who is the Governor and deputy secretary of CPC in Municipal Committee of Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou, Mr. Tang Guanying, who is the secretary of CPC in County Committee of Sandu County, Mr. Zhang Jiachun, who is county head of Sandu County as well as reporters from over 50 news medias in the world took part in the launching ceremony.


启动仪式上, 中共三都水族自治县委书记唐官莹介绍了三都水族自治县的基本县情和中国水族文化旅游节系列活动的主要内容, 在国际上具有影响力和号召力的著名华人艺术家谭盾正式担任中国水族文化保护与传承全球宣传推广大使, 美籍华人歌唱家、联合国绿色歌唱使者尤雁子出任“中国水族文化旅游形象大使”, 水族九阡酒被列为“上海世博会国际信息发展网馆唯一指定黄酒”, 三都水族自治县有关领导回答了中外记者的提问。古朴高亢的水族铜鼓、原汁原味的水族民歌、有象形文字“活化石”之称的“神秘水书”, 堪称世界一绝的水族马尾绣等独具特色的表演和展示吸引着上海市民和媒体的目光, 成为启动仪式上的一大亮点。作为中国水族文化旅游节系列活动的全国青年歌手唱响三都网络大赛、中国最浪漫感人的爱情故事征文活动也同时启动。北京翻译公司

During the launching ceremony, Mr. Tang Guanying, who is secretary of CPC in County Committee of Sandu County, introduced the basic status of Sandu Shui People Autonomous County and the major contents of the series of activities of the China Shui People Culture and Tourism Festival; Mr. Tandun, who is a famous Chinese artist with international influence and public appeal, officially took the post of Global Propaganda and Promotion Envoy for the protection and inheritance of the culture of Shui People in China; Ms. You Yanzi, who is an American-Chinese singer and the Green Singing Envoy of the United Nations, took the post of Image Envoy of China Shui People Culture and Tourism Festival; Jiuqian Rice Wine of the Shui People was listed as the Only Appointed Rice Wine for the Pavilion of International Development Information Network Association in Expo 2010 Shanghai China; relevant cadres of the Sandu Shui People Autonomous County answered questions of Chinese and foreign reporters. Unique shows and demonstrations, such as the simple, unsophisticated and high-pitched Shui People's bronze drum, original and authentic Shui People's folk songs, “Mysterious Shui People's Characters” which are deemed as “living fossil” of ideograph and Maweixiu (artistic work) which can be rated as one of the wonders of the world, arose the interests and attracted the attentions of citizens of Shanghai and medias, becoming one of the spots of light of the launching ceremony. At the same time, the National Internet Singing Competition of Young Singers of China hosted by Sandu County and the Article Soliciting of the Most Romantic and Touching Love Stories, which are parts of the series activities of China Shui People Culture and Tourism Festival, were launched.


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