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High above Melbourne, the recently crowned world's most livable city, a rare, full-floor penthouse apartment has gone on sale.


Marshall White这套公寓位于澳大利亚墨尔本尤里卡大厦的第84层,是世界上最高的公寓建筑之一。

At 84 floors up, in the city's landmark Eureka Tower, the apartment boasts sweeping views of the city and surroundings, with floor-to-ceiling windows in almost every room. 尤里卡大厦(Eureka Tower)是墨尔本的地标性建筑,共91层。这套公寓位于第84层,每个房间里都安装着的由顶及地的玻璃窗,置身其中,人们可以一览无余地欣赏整个城市和周边的风光。
Its selling agent, Sean Cussell of Marshall White, expects it to attract a premium price, 'probably in excess of A$14 million.' 该房产的经纪人、Marshall White房产公司的肖恩·卡塞尔(Sean Cussell)表示,这套公寓有望能够卖一个好价钱,可能会超过1,400万澳元(约合人民币约8729万元)。
The sellers are a private company whose principals include Tab and Eva Fried, two of the developers of the tower, which opened in 2006, and who live in a full-floor apartment below. 该房产的买主是一家私营公司,其主要合伙人包括塔布·弗里德(Tab Fried)和伊娃·弗里德(Eva Fried)夫妇,他们两人都是这座竣工于2006年的大厦的开发商。如今,夫妇二人住在顶层公寓下面的一套整层公寓里。
The 84th floor had been left a shell until about two years ago, with the apartment completed about two months ago. 'No expense has been spared,' Mr. Cussell said. 直到两年前,整个84层都还只是空架子;约两个月前,这套公寓才完成装修。卡塞尔说,卖方在打造这套公寓方面可以说是毫不吝啬。
Melbourne interior designer Margie Bromilow designed the apartment, saying its generous spaces were used to benefit the views. 这套公寓的设计者是墨尔本的室内设计师玛吉·布罗米洛(Margie Bromilow),她说公寓内部空间十分开阔,可以用来提升视野。
The tower, at 300 meters, is one of the tallest apartment buildings in the world and is Australia's second-highest building, behind Queensland state's Q1, also an apartment tower. It's located on the southern bank of the Yarra River, which meanders through the city and is a favorite for rowers and tourist cruises, and across from the central business district. 这座高达300米的大厦是世界上最高的公寓楼之一,也是澳大利亚第二高的建筑,仅次于昆士兰州的Q1大厦(该大厦也是一座公寓楼)。尤里卡大厦坐落于亚拉河(Yarra River)南岸。亚拉河蜿蜒流经墨尔本市,很受划船者和观光旅客喜爱。墨尔本的中央商务区就在大厦对面。
Last month, Melbourne topped a list of the world's best cities in which to live, ranked by the Economist Intelligence Unit. 上个月,在经济学人智库(Economist Intelligence Unit)出台的一份评估报告里,墨尔本名列世界上最宜居城市榜首。
Mr. and Mrs. Fried's son David, speaking on their behalf, said his parents enjoy living in the Eureka Tower because of its location, amenities and 360-degree views of the city. They cite the apartment's height, privacy and finishes as its best features, he said. 弗里德夫妇的儿子戴维(David)代表他的父母亲说,父母亲喜欢住在尤里卡大厦里,因为那里位置好,设施完备,能够用360度的视野来欣赏城市景致。他说,父母亲认为这套公寓的最大的特色就在于它的高度、私密性和室内设计。
Other tower residents include Australian film director Fred Schepisi, who directed the U.S. romantic comedy 'Roxanne' and made-for-TV 'Empire Falls,' as well as Daniel Grollo, chief executive of Grocon. 这里的业主包括澳大利亚电影导演弗雷德·谢皮西(Fred Schepisi)和建筑公司Grocon的首席执行长丹尼尔·格罗洛(Daniel Grollo)。谢皮西曾执导美国浪漫喜剧《爱上罗姗》(Roxanne)以及《帝国陨落》(Empire Falls),后者已被拍成电视剧。
The apartment has four bedrooms, while the main bedroom 'retreat' also features his and hers walk-in dressing rooms. Flat-screen televisions are fitted throughout the apartment, which locks itself at night. 这套顶楼公寓有4个卧室。最幽静的主卧室配备了男主人和女主人的走入式更衣间。这套公寓的各个房间里都安装有平面电视。一到夜间就会自动上锁。
The building features a 24-hour concierge service, 25-meter pool, gym and residents' cinema, and the apartment comes with six parking spaces. 这座大厦提供24小时门房服务,还配有一个25米长的泳池,一个健身房和一个业主影院。这套顶层公寓配备了6个停车位。
Mr. Cussell said it had attracted interest from Asia and would most likely be sold to someone from overseas. It is for sale by expressions of interest, which close Oct. 5.

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