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提名地缓冲区山前洪积扇裙地貌是瓮峪、仙峪、华山峪、黄甫峪、杜峪和其间沟谷堆积扇相连形成的洪积扇裙, 即山前倾斜平原。1556年华县发生8级地震, 因华山处于极震区, 山地峡谷陡崖多处发生大规模崩塌落石, 堆积有大量巨大的块石崩积物。每遇大暴雨(日降雨量100-200mm)或特大暴雨(日降水量大于200mm), 便会形成水石流特殊洪水, 搬运山崩的巨大块石, 堆积在洪积扇裙上, 形成新生加积扇地貌, 以玉泉院加积扇堆积最为典型。与此同时, 在二级阶地前缘和河口, 也形成了洪积物堆积扇, 构成串珠形洪积扇地貌。

The mountain-front proluvial apron landform in the buffer zone of the nominated property is proluvial apron formed by connecting Urn Valley, Xian Valley, Mount Hua Valley, Huangpu Valley, Du Valley and the gulch proluvial fan between them, namely, mountain-front inclined plain. In 1556, an earthquake with the magnitude of 8 hit Huaxian County. Because Mount Hua was located in meizoseismal area, large-scale collapse and rock fall occurred to mountainous regions, ravine and steep cliff. Many giant rock-block colluvial deposits were accumulated. In the event of heavy storm (daily rainfall of 100-200mm) or extraordinary storm (daily rainfall more than 200mm), special flood of water and rock would be formed. The giant rock block in landslide would be washed to the proluvial apron, thus forming the newborn alluvial fan with Jade Spring Temple deposit as the example. Meanwhile, in front of the secondary terrace and at the river mouth, proluvial-alluvial fan is formed, which composes catenuliform proluvial fan landform.

平原地貌是渭河形成的冲积平原, 地势平坦, 主要由河漫滩、第一级阶地和第二级阶地组成。因处于强烈沉陷区, 冲积平原直接与山前洪积扇裙交错相连。第三级阶地在黄土台塬边缘, 有局部保存。渭河水流蜿蜒于自身堆积物之上, 单股无叉, 称为自由曲流。第一阶地具有二元结构沉积物, 粗砂层上覆亚粘土和细砂。在其后缘低地, 形成了“二华夹槽”, 每当发生较大洪水, 就会成为湖泊沼泽湿地广州翻译

The plain landform is alluvial plain formed under the influence of Wei River. The landform is quite flat, and mainly comprises alluvial flat, primary terrace and secondary terrace. Because it is located in the subsiding area, the alluvial plain inter-connects with mountain-front proluvial apron. The tertiary terrace is at the edge of loess plateau mesa, and part of it is preserved. The current of Wei River wriggles on its deposit in single flow without fork, and is thus called free meander. Primary terrace has deposit of dualistic structure, namely, clayey loam and fine sand covering the grit layer. In the lower place at its back, “valley between Huayin and Huaxi” is formed. In the event of flood, the place will become lake bog or marsh.

华山黄土台塬地貌通称为孟塬, 东邻渭河冲积平原和山前洪积扇裙, 塬面由南向北倾斜, 海拔高程400-850m。按其形态与结构, 分为一、二级黄土台塬。黄土台塬的基底是第四系早期河湖沉积物, 其上覆盖88-135m黄土。黄土由于岩性疏松, 多孔隙, 垂直节理发育, 易遭受流水侵蚀, 沿台塬边缘冲沟深切, 块体运动活跃广州翻译公司

The loess plateau mesa landform in Mount Hua is generally called Meng Tableland, and it neighbors Wei River alluvial plain and mountain-front proluvial apron in the east. The mesa inclines from the south to the north with absolute elevation of 400-850 meters. It is divided into primary and secondary loess plateau mesa according to its shape and structure. The base of loess plateau mesa is river and lake deposits of the early Quaternary period, on which loess with the thickness of 88-135 meters is covered. The lithology of loess is featured by loose, open, vertical joint development and easy to be eroded by running water. The gulch at the edge of the mesa is quite deep and block there is in active state.



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