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林业是培育、经营、保护和开发利用森林的行业, 是提供木材和多种林的

生产部门, 又是维护陆地生态平衡的环境保护公益事业。林业生产和经营活动包括育苗、造林、经营管理、保护、森林采伐和更新以及林产品加工等。

Forestry is an industry for forest cultivation, operation, protection, exploration and utilization and is also a production department to provide wood and various kinds of forest and a public welfare undertaking to maintain land ecological balance and for environmental protection. Forestry operation and production includes seedling, forestation, operation management, protection, forest harvesting and renewal and forest product processing, etc.

林业经营的对象是森林。森林按其起源可划分为天然林和人工林。对于天然林, 应根据其生长发育规律, 进行合理经营和更新, 以发挥森林可再生的特点, 同时更好地发挥森林蓄水、保土、维持生态平衡和美化环境的多种效益。对人工林, 需要选择适宜树种, 合理配置, 进行科学营造和经营管理, 以保持人工林长期生产力, 同时发挥长期稳定的经济、生态和社会效益英语翻译

The object of forestry operation is forest. Forest can be divided into natural forest and man-made forest according to its origins. As for natural forest, it should be properly operated and renewal according to rules of growth and development to bring its reproducible characteristic into play. Meanwhile it also can make benefits in the aspect of forest land and water conservation, ecological balance and environment beautification. As for man-made forest, it should be rationally distributed with the proper selection of tree seeds for scientific cultivation and operation management with the purpose of keeping the long-term productive force of man-made forest. It also can make long-term and stable economic, ecological and social benefits.

森林按其经营目的, 可划分为防护林、用材林、经济林、薪炭林和特种用途林。防护林是以防护为主要目的的森林, 包括水源涵养林、水土保持林、防风固沙林、农田防护林、草牧场防护林、护岸林、护路林等。用材林是以生产各种木材为主要目的的森林, 其中包括以生产竹材为主要目的的竹林。经济林是以生产果品、油料、橡胶、虫胶、栲胶、树脂、栓皮、香料、编条、工业原料和药材为主要目的的森林。薪炭林是以树木枝干作为燃料而专门营造的森林。特种用途林指以国防林、实验林、母树林、环境保护林、风景林、名胜古迹和革命纪念地周边的森林以及自然保护区中的森林日语翻译

According to operation purposes, forest can be classified into protection forest, timber forest, economic forest, firewood forest and forest for special use. Protection forest is with forest protection as its main objective, including water conservation forest, soil and water conservation forest, wind break and sand fixation forest, farmland protection forest, grass meadow protection forest, stream bank protection forest, road protection forest. Timber forest is mainly for producing various kinds of wood. Among it, the bamboo forest for bamboo production is also included. Economic forest is mainly to produce fruit, oil plants, rubber, shellac, tannin extract, cork, spice, wattle, industrial raw material and medicinal materials.


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