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面试中译英 成功案例
Please talk about your family.
我成长在一个温暖、和睦的家庭北京翻译公司, 现在我与父母生活在一起。我的父母为人正直善良, 为我做出了良好
的表率。使我养成了乐于助人、与人为善的良好品质。同时, 也使我养成了自立自强独立的性格, 不断在事业上追求
I was born in a warm and harmonious family and now I live with my parents together.
 My parents are honest and kindhearted and have set a good example for me. 
So I develop a good character of being helpful and kindhearted. Meanwhile, 
I am also very independent and pursue progress in my career continuously.   
Which kind of contribution can you bring to the company?
我想就这点来谈谈自己的一些体会。首先从专业看, 风险管理实质是业务发展的护航者, 做好风险管理能为业务带来
收益, 一个公司要发展, 不仅需要的是业务营销, 还需要资产安全, 不仅要攻, 也需要守。如果一味只重视业
务拓展而忽视风险管理, 那将是非常危险的, 雷曼兄弟倒闭、巴林银行破产、金融危机已经足以证明了这一点,
 中国有一句古话“千里之堤毁于蚁穴”, 因此, 良好的风险管理就是给业务增值, 就是盈利, 据了解, 贵公司去
年盈利达1.68亿美元, 实现了5年的持续增长, 是非常可喜可贺的, 在这种情况下, 我们更需要稳健的风险管理来
I want to talk about my own understanding on this point. Firstly, in the view of major,
 risk management is the guider of business development actually. It can bring profit 
for the business if risk management is well done. If a company desires development, 
it needs not only business marketing, but also assets safety. Both attack and defense 
are needed. It will be very dangerous to only pay attention to business development 
and neglect risk management. Lehman Brothers Holdings’ closing,
 Barings Bank’s bankruptcy and financial crisis have already proven this point. 
There is an old saying in China that a little leak will sink a great ship. Therefore,
 good risk management will add value to business, i.e. gaining profit. It’s known 
that your company gained profit totaling USD 0.168 Billion last year and has realized 
sustainable growth for five years. Congratulations. Under such circumstance, 
we need more stable risk management to ensure the safety of assets. Accordingly,
 your company needs professional risk management talents seriously.  
而从我自己看, 我从事了很长时间的风险管理工作, 对于风险管理工作非常熟悉, 我在总行风险管理部审批项目期间,
 我审核的项目金额、数量连续3年都是部门第一, 报告材料质量也在名列前茅。由于长期从事项目审查工作, 
积累了较丰富的项目经验, 对项目的风险点把握十分准确, 风险判断非常清楚, 同时对宏观政策、
经济理论都非常有研究, 因此我在风险管理领域方面, 是属于贵公司所需要的人才, 我将运用我良好的专业技能
与实践经验, 全心全意投入到这项工作, 做好风险控制, 为贵公司业务发展带来最大的收益。
For me, I have been engaged in risk management for very long time and 
I am very familiar with risk management. During the period that I worked with 
approval projects in the Risk Management Dept. of the bank head office, 
the amount and number of the projects that I have checked ranked the first 
in the department and the quality of the report is also leading. As I have 
been engaged in checking project for long, I have accumulated rich project 
experience and can control risk points of the projects very accurately and
 judge risk clearly. Meanwhile, I also have a deep study on macro-policies and 
economic theories. So I fall within the talent in the field of risk management
 which is needed by your company. I will make use of my good professional 
skills and practice experience to devote myself to this job to control risk well 
and bring the best profit for business development of your company.  
同时, 从岗位描述可以看出, 该工作需要的多方面的协作, 包括与母公司、外界良好沟通及内部之
间的默契的配合, 本人曾长期在海外、基层、总部工作, http://www.fanyibridge.com/
具有较好的人脉资源与人际网络, 可以为公司带来丰富的人际资源俄语翻译
At the same time, it can be seen from job description that this job requires 
coordination with many aspects, including communication with the mother company 
and the outside and internal coordination. I once worked abroad in the basic unit
 and the headquarters for long and possess good personal resources and interpersonal 
network. It can bring rick interpersonal resources for your company. 
中国 北京 上海 广州 深圳 杭州 南京 长沙 武汉 重庆 成都

上海翻译公司电话: +86 133911061881 北京翻译公司电话: +86 13683016996    成都翻译公司电话:+86 13564516881              

重庆翻译公司电话:+86 13760168871       广州翻译公司电话: +86 13391106188    深圳翻译公司电话:+86 13760168871